Born in 1957, Wad Medani, Sudan.

       Lives and works in Khartoum, Sudan.



       Dara Art Gallery

       PO Box 6554

       Altakamul, Khartoum, Sudan.

 Tel/Fax:               00 249 11 463352

       Mobile:                012309483

       Email:                  daragallery@hotmail.com





1978                   BA(Hons) in Painting., Khartoum College of Fine Art, Khartoum, Sudan.

1984                   Fine Arts Degree. Painting, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain.

1986                   Fine Arts Degree. Etching, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain.

1991                   PhD. Painting, Complutense University,Madrid, Spain.



  2004                            Dar Al Fanoon (Kwait)

                                     Art House Gallery, Trípoli (Libia)

 2003                             European Parlament Bruxels

                                      Asilah (Marroco)

                                      Dara Al Fanun (Lybia)

2002                            Bissan Gallery, Qatar.

                                     Al Riwaq, Baharain.

                                     Royal Cultural Centre, Aman, Jordan

2001                            The 13th A Mahaba Festival, Lattakia, Siria.                               

                                    Art Contemporain 2001, Expo Beirut, Lebanon.

                                      Exhibition, The National, Kwait.

                                    Contemporary arab Art, Wereldmuseum Rotterdam, Holland.

2000                            Dara Art Gallery, Sudan.

                                    Al Assad Library, Syria.

1999                            Dara Ary Gallery, Sudan.

                                    Arabic Centre for Arts and Culture, Lebanon.

1998                             Santa Ines Palace, Granada, Spain.

1997                             Roshan Gallery Jeddah Saudia Arabia.

                                     Harpe Gallery, Marbella, Sapin

                                     Ayaso International Gallery, Washington.

                                     Idea –Arte Gallery, Madrid, Sapin.

                                     Solo Show 3rd Sharjah Biennale.

                                     Tolmo Gallery, Toledo, Spain.

1996                             Darat Al Fanon, Amman, Jordan.

                                     Ra del Rey Gallery, Madrid, Spain.

                                     Arca Gallery, Torrelodones, Madrid, Spain.

1995                            Hector Mora Gallery, Elche, Spain.

                                    Camarena Palace, Caceres, Spain.

                                    The Mattye Reed African Heritage Center, North                                                              Carolina A&T State University.Greensboro,NC. USA

1994                            Zaragoza Gráfica, Zaragoza, Spain.

                                    Alif Gallery, Washington, D.C, U.S.A.  

                                    Museum of the National Centre of Afro American Artist,


1993/94                       1983-1993 Retrospective Exhibition at Islamic Cultural Center at                                         Madrid, Spain.

1993                            London, England. Savannah Art Gallery.

                                    USA.    Herbert Johnson Museum.

                                    Nairobi, Kenya.Gallery Watatu.

1992                            Toledo, Spain. Tolmo Gallery.

                                    Madrid, Spain. Tecni Arte, Arco Fair 92.

                                    Sevilla, Spain. Expo'92

                                    London, England. Savannah Gallery.

                                    Washinton D.C. Alif Gallery.

1976/92                       Khartoum, Sudan. Annual exhibition.

1991                            Paris, France. L'Espace Miró.

                                    Barcelona, Spain. La Caixa.

1990                            Madrid, Spain. Gris y Negro Gallery.

1989                            Nairobi, Kenya. Gallery Watatu.

                                    Madrid, Spain. Xeito Gallery.

1988                            Kuwait City, Kuwait. Dushahri Gallery.

                                    Madrid, Spain. Faculty of Fine Arts. Complutense University.

                                    Sharga. Artists association. Gallery Sharga.

1987                            Syria. Abila Gallery.

                                    Bagdad, Irak. Orfaly Gallery.

1986                            Abu Dabi. Cultural Foundarion.

                                    Qatar. Al-Khalig Hotel Gallery.

1976                            London, England. African Centre.




2000                            Transatlantic Dialogue. Contemporary Art In and Out           of Africa.                                             National Smithsonian Museum of African Art. Washington. USA

                                    Artuel  Beirut, Lebanon.

                                    Arab Art Wipo, Geneva, Swizerland.

1999                            Artuel.  Beirut, Lebanon.

1995                            "Right to hope", exhibition organized by U.N.                                                                                Johannesburg September 1995. South Africa.

                                    Seven stories about modern Art in Africa, Africa 95,

                                    White Chapel. London.

                                    Africus Johannesburg Biennale, South Africa.

1994                            5th Biennal International, la Habana, Cuba.

                                    Invited to the three yearly exhibition of small size prints, Chamalies, 


                                    International Triennial of Grafic Art, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia.

                                    Cairo, Egipt, 5th International Biennale.

1993                            U.S.A Herbert Johnson Museum. (Creative Impulses            - Modern                                         Expresions. Four African Artists).

                                    Siria. Abila Gallery. International Exhibition of Etching.

                                    London, England. London Contemporary Art Fair'93.

                                    Savannah Gallery. "Side by Side".

1992                            Madrid, Spain. Contemporary African Art.

                                    London, England. Contemporary African Art, Square                                                       Gallery.

                                    Asilah, Morroco. XV Asilah Festival.

                                    London, England. Honaver Gallery.

                                    London, England. Savannah Gallery.

1991                            Varna. International Print Biennale.

                                    Madrid, Spain. Retiro Gallery. Graphic Works of Tree Artists.

                                    Bradford, Coubagy. Shouth Square Gallery.                                                                     "Paradox of the New".

                                    Khartoum, Sudan. First Italian - Sudanese Exhibition.

                                    Havana, Cuba. Quorum Gallery. Spanish Workshop at 3rd Biennal.

                                    Asilah, Morroco. XIV Asilah Festival.

                                    Asilah, Morroco. National Museum of Art.

                                    Madrid, Spain. Retiro Gallery.

                                    London, England. Art Gallery Commonwealth           Institute. "A Grain of                                   Wheat,  Art Relief for Africa".

1990                            Joensu, Finlandia. Meeting of the world.

                                    Kochi. 1st International Triennial exhibition of  prints.

                                    Athenas, Greece. Guest of honor of the Mediterranean Biennale of                                Graphic Arts, dedicated  to the Golden Olympiad, 96.

                                    Madrid, Spain. The Villa Cultural Centre.

                                    Reinosa, Santander (Spain). Cultural House: El  Convento.

                                    Sevilla, Spain. Expo'92: Tour exhibition in all Andalucía for the works                                   of the book "Andalucia sueño y realidad".

                                    Barcelona, Spain. Cinquechento  Gallery. Paper and Creation.

                                    Zamora, Spain. X Biennal Zamora.

                                    Madrid, Spain. Torculo Gallery. Carmen Arozena Prize.

1989                            London, England. Contemporary Art from the            Islamic World.

                                    Madrid, Spain. Caja de Ahorros.

                                    Barcelona, Spain. Trade Art Gallery. Mini Print   International de                                      Cadaques.

                                    Havana, Cuba. Habana, Cuba. CIPE'89. Little  Etchings.

                                    Madrid, Spain. Torculo Gallery.

                                    Taipi, Taiwan. International Biennale Print  Exhibition, Taipi Art


                                    Havana, Cuba. 3rd Havana Biennale. Havana National Museum.

                                    Varna. 5th International Print Biennal.

                                    Fedriskad, Nowegian. Internatioanl Biennale of Grafic Art.

1988                            Madrid, Spain. Organized by Manos Unidas. "Nord Sout",

                                    Edurne  Gallery.

                                    Cairo, Egipt. 3th International Biennale.

                                    London, England. Sudan Art Aid, Oxfam Foundation,            Sudan Cultural                               Centre.

                                    Valladolid. Spain. Contemporary Arab Art Exhibition. Velazquez


                                    Madrid, Spain. Contemporary Prints. Calcografía Nacional. Royal                                   Academic of Art.

1987                            Taipi, Taiwan. 3th International Biennale Print Exhibition, R.O.C.

                                    Madrid, Spain. III Young Artist, Las Vacas.

                                    Lodz, Polonia. VI International Exhibit of Etching,Small Grafic.

                                    Argelia. First Internatioanl Biennal.

                                    Barcelona, Sapin. Internatioanl Mini Print de Cadaques.

                                    Cairo, Egipt. Tree sudanese Artists, Raggab Gallery.

1986                            Madrid, Sapin. Torculo Gallery.

Khartoum, Sudan. Todays Sudanese Painters; French ultural Centre              with Goethe Institut.

                                    Madrid, Spain. Contemporary forms of Oriental Art Summer Gallery.

1984                            Asilah Morroco. 7th Festival of Asilah .

                                    Granada, Spain. Primer encuentro Hispano-Arabe de Almuñecar ,                                 Majuelo Park.

                                    Spain. Spanish painters, organized by Comunidad de          Castilla y                                           Leon, Introduction by Antonio Gala.

                                    Salamanca, Sapin. 1st Antological Exhibition for Arab Artist at Salina                             Palace.

1980                            Khartoum, Sudan. Traditional and Contemporary: 3rd Cultural Art                                  Festival.

1979                            Khartoum, Sudan. Diploma Exhibition, Faculty of Fine and Applied Art.

                                    Khartoum, Sudan. "Sudanese Contemporary Art" Tree group shows,                            Kuwait, Hamburg and Khartoum, organized by the Council for Arts and                                   Letters.




Museum of Fine Arts, Alexandria, Egypt.

Modern Museum of Etching, Cairo, Egypt.

Museum of Modern Art, Bagdad, Iraq.

Royal Museum of Fine Arts, Amman, Jordan.

Museum of Contemporary Art, Nairobi, Kenya.

National Library, Madrid, Spain.

Museo of Bello Piñeiro, El Ferrol, Coruña, Spain.

Museo of arte Castellano-Leonés, Spain.

Museo of Royal Academy of Fine Arts, San Fernando, Madrid,      Spain.

Museum of Modern Art, Tunis.

Jordan Royal Fine Art Museum

Wifredo Lam Centre of Habana, Cuba.

Junta de Andalucía, Expo'92.

Banco Zaragozano, Madrid, Spain.

Ministery of Foreing Affairs, Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional, Madrid, Spain.

Arab League, Madrid, Spain.

Spanish-Arab Institute of Culture, Madrid, Spain.

African Centre of Madrid, Spain.

Institute of Arab World, Paris, France.

Nacional Council of Arts and Letters, Khartoum, Sudan.

Diputación de Zamora, Spain.

Life Museum of Fine Art, Tunis.

Unesco, Paris, France.

Musée d'art contemporain of Chamaliénes, Paris.




1991                   Prize of Acquisition in the X Biennal of Drawing of  Zamora, Spain.

                           Honor of the Maximo Ramos Prize in Serigraphy, El   Ferrol, Spain.

                           Scholarship, Institute of collaboration with the Arab World.

1989                   Medal of the Cuban Fund of Cultural goods. Havana, Cuba.

                           Second Prize of the Salon de Otoño de Madrid, Spain.

1988                   Medal of the III Biennial of Cairo, Egypt.

1987                   Prize, III Biennial of R.O.C. Taipi, Taiwan.

                           Prize, Carmen Arozena, Madrid, Spain.

                          1st Prize, Biennial of Argeria.

1986                   Medal of the Cultural Foundation of Abu Dabi.

1985                   Honorary Scholarship, Spanish-Arab Institute of  Culture, Madrid, Spain.

1980                   Scholarship, Spanish Government.

1979                   Honorary Scholarship, Ministery of Exterior Affairs of Spain.




Sudanese contemporary painting. In "Art from the Islamic World". Rashid Diab, pp 245-252. Escorpion Publishing Ltd. London, 1989.


"La pintura sudanesa. Tradición y contemporaneidad".

P.H.D. Published by Complutense University, Madrid. 1992.


Lecture:" Hacia una contribución peculiar del arte africano contemporáneo a la Historía Universal del Arte y una comprensión nueva de la estética". III Bienal de la Habana. 1989. Centro Wifredo Lam. Published by Letras Cubanas, la Habana, Cuba. 1989.


"Al-Andalus dream and reality". Edition Princeps. June, 1990. Published by Escalpo for Andalucía goverment.


Article:" Contemporary African Art from the Sudanese perspective" Atlantica Magazine. Issue Nº8, Autumn 1994.


"Arab contemporary art". Correo del Arte Magazine. Issue nº58. November 1988.


Poster and catalogue for the workshop against apartheid,1989. Madrid. Spain.


Two posters: The song of the world; for the OKAPI Company. Madrid.


Paper published on the catalogue of Africus. "Different Values - Universal Art: The State of Modern African Art". Johannesburg Biennale 1995.           

























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